Deluxe Building

Deluxe Building Kft.

Székhely: 1165 Budapest, Ezerjó u. 11.

Telephely: 1173 Budapest, Összekötő u. 1. - Mesterek Háza

What are we building?

Deluxe Building

We build lightweight structures, carports, patio covers and wellness houses, mainly for private individuals. We love beauty and harmony, so we do our best to ensure that our buildings are not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing, detailed and of high quality.

Learn more about our areas of operation and see our completed works at !

ragasztott fa, polikarbonat fedesu kocsibeallo, LED vilagitassal 10
egyedi, előre gyártott kocsibeállók telepítése

Construction of carports

What you dream, we build.
Our carports adapt to the needs of their users, whether custom-designed or prefabricated. Aesthetical, stylish, practical, trendy, trendy, trendy, trendy, trendy…

Construction of terraces

“As in, so out”
A space for those who want to enjoy maximum comfort and luxury not only inside the house, but also as an extension of their home, spending time in the same harmonious atmosphere outside the patio doors as inside.

Teraszfedés ragasztott fa szerkezettel és fix üveg oldalzárással 01
Teraszfedés, előtető
Napelemes kocsibeálló vas szerkezettel
Napelemes fedések

Solar covers

Solutions for an environmentally aware, responsible generation. They can be attached to the structure of any of our buildings. Modern technology, harmonious in appearance, precisely designed and built to your capacity requirements.

Wellness houses

A building in the garden that represents luxury. An experience in your home, limited only by your imagination. Clean shapes, characterful lines, appealing colours, exciting layouts, dynamic design. Stunning sparkle or understated, elegant matt finishes.

Wellness ház építés -
Wellness ház Deluxe building
Üvegkorlátok építése
Üvegkorlátok készítése

Making glass barriers

Perfect view, endless perspective.
Our exterior and interior glass blinds are characterised by modern purity and cleanliness, effortless elegance. Creating pleasant and safely spacious spaces. For those who prefer transparent yet stable solutions

our latest works

Ragasztott fateraszfedés eltolható üvegfallal 02
Winterized glued wood decking based on individual designs
Four-season patio cover with polycarbonate sheet cover and sliding glass wall with side closure
XIMAX NEO dupla kocsibeálló - Deluxe Building
XIMAX NEO double carport
XIMAX NEO carport with elegant lines and aluminium structure. Cover of smoke-coloured solid polycarbonate
Antracit alumínium pergola pergoklimával
Bioclimatic pergola with shade
Bioclimatic pergola. Aluminium structure Pergoklima R601 type bioclimatic pergola with pivoting slats and side sunshade
Télikert lapozható üvegfallal
"Smart" conservatory with folding glass wall
Small but very "clever" conservatory with folding glass wall, blinds and heating panel
Teraszfedés árnyékoló lamellákkal
Robust patio cover with shading slats
A robust patio cover with glued wood construction with boxed, felt-plaster covered support posts and custom-made wooden slats.
Modern kocsibeálló
Modern design carport
Our modern carport is an excellent choice for those who like things that are beautiful, clean and functional at the same time.

Our latest news


We build aesthetic and functional spaces